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KDP help

NOTE: This short instruction guide was originally written to help with KDP Ebooks. KDP is now offering a beta "paperback" service. I haven't used that service yet, so I can't provide any specifics on it at this time. 


To Publish Your Kindle Ebook


1.       Go to and open an  account.

2.       Log into your account and click the “Bookshelf” link at the top of the page.

3.       Choose the option to "Create a new Title." 


Now you can begin filling in your book's information: Main Book Title, Book Subtitle (optional), Series Information (optional), Author, Description, Keyword Search Terms (optional), etc. If you're unsure about what to enter, many of the fields have a link that provide additional information. 


After you've entered the information, click "Save and Continue." You'll now move to the "Ebook Content" page.


First, you'll be asked if you'd like to enable DRM (Digital Rights Management). DRM helps prevent unauthorized sharing of your Kindle file. If you're not worried about unauthorized sharing, choose "no," if you'd like to prevent unauthorized sharing, choose "yes." (You cannot change this setting after the book is published.) 


Next, you'll upload your manuscript and book cover. KDP recommends (and I have always used), Microsoft Word for the manuscript, but KDP allows other formats too. (Full list of formats here).


Note: To make sure your Ebook works properly within Kindle, consider hiring somebody at to prepare your final manuscript file for you. (They will make sure everything is linked properly within the file, check for formatting errors, etc.) Also, before uploading your book's cover file, you should make sure that it meets these requirements. Last but not least: Since people DO "judge a book by its cover," I highly recommend using somebody who specializes in cover design. (For Tragedy and Hope 101 and Leaving the Illusion, I used the $499 option at, but there are decent cover designers at as well.) 


There is a field where you can enter an ISBN for your Ebook. If you don’t have a new / unused ISBN, you can simply publish your Ebook without it. (An ISBN is not required for the Kindle version.)


When you're done entering your info, click "Save and Continue." KDP will process your file and book cover before sending you to the final page entitled "Kindle Ebook Pricing."


At the top of the page, KDP will try to convince you to enroll in “KDP Select.” I have chosen NOT TO ENROLL in this because it would prevent me from having my book appear in digital form elsewhere. If you decide to try it, the initial term is 90 days and it automatically “renews.” If you decide to hold off, you can sign up at any time. 


Next, you will confirm that you have “worldwide rights,” you’ll choose the royalty that you want to earn (choose 70 percent), and you’ll enter the price of your book at Once you enter the price, it should automatically enter a price for all other countries.


Keep in mind: To earn 70 percent royalty you’ll have to enter a price of $2.99 or more AND a few markets (India, Mexico, etc.), won’t be eligible for 70 percent royalty unless you enroll in KDP Select. (I get very few sales from these markets; unless you expect heavy sales from them, I wouldn't allow the reduced royalty rate to affect your decision on KDP Select.)


The only other things on this page to think about are:


  • Matchbook: If you want, you can allow people who bought a paperback copy of your book to purchase a digital copy for less (or, even let them have it for free.)

  • Lending: You can choose whether or not you want people to “lend” their copy of your ebook to friends / family members.


That’s about it. When you click "Publish your Ebook," it should appear on Amazon within 72 hours. Hope this helped!




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