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Don't Audit the Fed -Abolish it

I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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I know many people are very excited about Ron Paul's bill (HR 1207) to audit the Federal Reserve. I am not excited about it and here is why:


We have a DISHONEST monetary system. What makes it dishonest? Simple: The money that bankers "create" for themselves is UNEARNED. (They literally get to create out of thin air what the rest of us must earn.)


Additionally, their power to inflate and deflate the money supply, decide who will get their "loans" and who won't, what political campaigns will be funded and which will not, which GOVERNMENTS will be funded and which will not, etc. puts nearly absolute power in their hands. That power must be destroyed. 


I know some will say I'm "being negative" but I'm worried that this audit will do nothing but buy these criminals more time. (Not to mention the issue of determining who will be in charge of the audit or how this bill can be "watered down." What happens if we get another whitewash like the 9/11 investigation? '"Nothing to see here, everything is fine, move along.") 


Let's say they audit the fed and find (which I doubt) that the fed did something it didn't have the legal authority to do you suppose the government will handle that? I'll tell you how: "We need a new department to make sure this doesn't happen again." 


I'm sorry, I just don't see the benefit of taking this will give the banking elite more time to stall and steer, will likely be a whitewash, and in the end could be used to legitimize the whole ILLEGITIMATE scam. That is my honest opinion. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. 


I've supported Ron Paul for years, but the bottom line is we need to END this predatory monetary system...if we don't have enough justification RIGHT NOW to do so, I have no idea what the Hell it will take.


Last but not least, assuming we are able to eventually force an "End" to "The Fed" (I would bet that it IS going to happen eventually) we THEN have to make sure it isn't replaced by an even larger scam...a "global" system that's built on the same fiat / debt-money, fractional reserve model


The way things are right now, these people OWN all our money (every dollar is "loaned" into existence and is owed back to them at interest.) We'd be fools to think they're going to just walk away from that kind of power.  We'd be fools to think they won't apply all their might to steer "changes" so that the changes benefit THEM instead of us. (And if our efforts only end up leading to the "New World Financial Order" they've always wanted, we have NOT won)


By all means, End the Fed. Replace it with a legitimate / honest monetary system. If an audit will get the ball rolling, fine. But please don't let the discussion be turned into an issue of whether or not the Fed "needs more oversight" or "acted outside its legal authority." Its very existence is a crime. 


Joe Plummer 6.6.09
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